Realigning a Lesson Plan with 8ways.

This week we had to re-desgin a lesson plan we had already constructed but this time incorporating and basing it upon the 8ways pedagogical thinking. If you want to learn more, please read my previous post labelled 8ways

I found this task quite challenging however seeings the inquiry unit that this lesson came out of was a weather unit which made it a little easier at the same time.


Lesson outcome:

Students will extract information from a picture book about weather. Students will learn about a sunny day and the different features of it. 


1.Students will be able to answer comprehension questions to do with the picture book “Sunny Day” Anna Milbourne.

2.Students will be able to locate new information about the weather in the book and collate the information onto the board.

Previously, this lesson was set around a picture a storybook by Anne Milbourne called “Sunny Day”.

I would still start this way and then go onto asking the students if they have any stories or personal experiences of what they did on a Sunny day. I would also ask what they think is a perfect sunny day and what do think that looks like.

This connects the students through their own stories that they can share and it also lets them picture and visualise their learning which will lead them to knowledge and content of the lesson.

I would secondly get to the students to explore the outside. As a class you would discuss what kind of weather it is today. How does the weather make you feel? Is it hot, cold, sunny or rainy? Get the students to firstly encounter this on their own without sharing. Maybe they can walk around in a certain area. This is so they can see, think, act, make and share without words firstly and this also starts to work in learning from the nature and land. By Connecting this lesson with the outside classroom space really would take the children to a more hands on & first hand  experience about weather, this would increase their vocabulary and being lead by emotions and feelings rather than sight and 2D pictures.

Students might come back into the classroom and start forming new knowledge from their what they have learnt from the book and the experience outside. The might be working in groups outside coming up with facts and words they can add to their wall about a sunny day when they come together as whole back in the classroom.

The closing activity could be that class goes back outside and they made mini weather stations together through recycled materials. This will make sure they are learning and connecting to the topic and through creation and arts they learning from doing as well. Students are to monitor their weather station every day to see what it’s telling them what the weather will be like for that day. They are to go home and predict what it is like everyday as homework, this connects the home life to the classroom as well.


This lesson is based on this:

How we learn – culture way

1. We connect through the stories we share.
2. We picture our pathways of knowledge.
3. We see, think, act, make and share without words.
4. We keep and share knowledge with art and objects.
5. We work with lessons from land and nature.
6. We put different ideas together and create new knowledge.
7. We work from wholes to parts, watching and then doing.
8. We bring new knowledge home to help our mob.



8 Ways. (2013). 8 Aboriginal ways of learning. Retrieved from


Filed under Beyond the classroom, Future learning spaces, Learning spaces, Personal thoughts & learning

3 responses to “Realigning a Lesson Plan with 8ways.

  1. Great lesson. You’ve really created a tangible link between the two pedagogies!


  2. Pingback: Realigning a lesson and incorporating 8ways | Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn.

  3. This is a great alignment lesson with 8ways.
    Students telling their own stories is what we usually do but now through learning about 8ways I find my understanding of why it is important to connect the students’ learning to the topic is enhanced.
    GOing outside and observing without saying anything is a great example of the non-verbal…more of this in our class room practice would enhance ours and the pupils’ thinking and processing skills which I think is lacking in western pedagogy.Linking this to recycling and weather observation is building on their understanding of nature and where we fit into the big picture-
    A great lesson, thank you for sharing!

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